Monday, October 24, 2011


Sunday October 23, 2011. My buddy Brandan, who is like a cousin to me, marrys Meghan. The wife (pictured on the left) and I borrrowed John's '49, equipped with 15 Dr Pepper cans to trail us, to drive off the newly weds. I had the best time I've had in a long time. Something about being surrounded by good people in good spirits... I saw people I hadn't seen in 20 + years. Stories of memories past, and of memories to come. Congratulations to the newlyweds. (And thanks Johhny for loaning me the ride at the last minute!) 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


If it wasn't for the (good lookin') one on the left, I wouldn't have the two on the right.  Kids to me are like cars... They require a lot of attention and reflect the time and money spent on them. Come to think of it, so are relationships... You only get out what you put in. Raise 'em right, and make a date with the good lookin' one!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Viva Knievel!!!

Fractured elbow and about seven or eight strawberries... Bones heal and chicks dig scars, play that sympathy card buddy!