Friday, October 1, 2010


If you know me you would had thought this would had been my first tattoo... 

So I finally got my Dr Pepper tattoo. I went down to Randy Adam's Tattoo Studio and had Wil do this one for me. If you don't know Wil, he's a helluva nice guy. Some how I was introduced to Chad (who is no longer with us) to do about eight of my tattoos. Every time I was in Chad's chair good ol' Wil would stop and see what I was getting and make small talk. I was living about six blocks from the place at the time and would stop by regularly. If Chad was busy, I'd talk to Wil and watch him work. I really wanted Wil to tattoo me also, but was uncertain on how Chad would feel. He and I had become pretty tight. Now that he has departed this world, looks like I'm in good hands with Wil... If you are looking to get tattooed, I highly recommend Wil. 

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