Friday, September 24, 2010

That's gonna leave a mark.

So I'm sitting there watching Ardun play, took my eyes off him for a second and he starts crying hystericly. (He's tuff and doesn't cry.) It appears that he either pinched his nose in his sunglasses or the dog bit him. He's got a nice lil gash at the top of his nose between his eyebrows now. The deal is we have two dogs. Huckleberry, who is my five year old basset and Riley, who is my wife's ten year old corgie mix. Fortunately Huck was no where near Ardun when the shit hit the fan. Had he been the wife would had me put him outside for the night at minimum, if not indefinatly. Good ol' Riley, who has snapped at Ardun before, was not disciplined, we don't even know if she is guilty of anything. The good news is Ardun is a really tuff little guy, the bad news is he's probably gonna get a scar out of the deal. I love that little guy so much and it hurts me deeply to see him in pain. I'm just so overly thankful that he is not a crybaby. He's my little Evel Knievel!

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